The Call for Egalitarian Futures

Sarah Bessey posted today about the response she got for a call to egalitarian marriage resources and information. She has received 1000+ requests for more information, offers of help to make it happen, calls for an egalitarian marriage conference, calls for material. You can read her post here.

And in Sarah's very beautiful style, she immediately points to others. After her initial post, people started sharing links and resources that are already available. 

The thing is that the more we looked into it, the more we realised that all of the stuff is already there. The leaders are here. The teaching is here. The gatherings are here. The workshops are here. The video curriculum is all here. There are books! 

So keep an eye on Sarah and the work that she is doing. 

When we speak out against the complementarianism and patriarchy that surrounds us as women in the church, we can bring about the new creation that comes when women (and men) are free to be everything God created us to be. Free to use all of our talents, abilities, experience, and dedication to serve God and others holistically. 

Do you have links to resources that will fit into this call for equality? Please submit them on the contact page. The more places people can find them, the sooner we can start to change not only the conversation, but the lives of Christian women and men.